In 1985, a tragic car accident caused by a drunken John
Eisentempler results in the death of an innocent man. The victim's
son, Stefan Bandera, deeply affected by his father's violent demise
and its impact on his family, vows to exact revenge. Believing
anyone associated with the Eisentempler family shares responsibility
for his father's murder, Stefan embarks on a path of bloody
Massacre Video presents "Das Komabrutale Duell," the film that
pioneered the "Party Splatter" genre as dubbed by its director,
German filmmaker Heiko Fipper (Ostermontag). Known for its extreme
violence and gore, and having been banned in Germany, this
groundbreaking movie is now available on Blu-ray, completely uncut
and uncensored. This release showcases the film's raw intensity and
relentless brutality, offering viewers an unparalleled experience of
the first-ever "Party Splatter" film in all its gory glory.
-Brand New 1.66:1 1080p HD Master of the Director's Cut -Uncompressed PCM Audio -Newly Created English Subtitles
-Digital vs. Practical Effects Comparison -Deleted Scenes -Rare Outtakes -Behind the Scenes Stills Gallery -Original German Trailer -BONUS SHORT FILM - Freitag der 13 -Trailers for other Massacre Video Releases